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Ultropia Media: Bringing you the latest News, Updates & Announcements from leading Web3 Gaming Pioneers!

Are you an avid web3 gamer constantly on the lookout for the latest updates and announcements from the ever-evolving gaming space? Keeping u...

Unleash Your Inner Crab: Spotlight on the First Generation 2 Body

The summary of the text is that the Spider Tanks Showcase is featuring a new generation 2 tank body called The Crab. The Crab has extra armor and balanced speed and energy, making it suitable for close-range combat with shotguns, long-range attacks with railguns, or support roles with repair guns. It is a versatile tank choice that can be a game-changer in the arena. The Crab is currently sold out in the Spider Tanks Store, but can be found from other players.

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