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Ultropia Media: Bringing you the latest News, Updates & Announcements from leading Web3 Gaming Pioneers!

Are you an avid web3 gamer constantly on the lookout for the latest updates and announcements from the ever-evolving gaming space? Keeping u...

Unleashing Mayhem: Exploring the Chaos of Frozen Research

The frozen wasteland of Chione serves as the backdrop for the chaotic battles in the Frozen Research arena. With limited cover and strategic obstructions, players must adjust their strategies to survive. The central no-man's land is a treacherous area where long-range weapons excel. Stay mobile and be cautious in Capture the Flag mode, as there is little protection between you and the enemy. Be aware of deceptive cover and expect challenges when controlling the barrels in Chicken Chaser mode. Ultimately, understanding the map's features is key to victory.

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